Every business requires tools that will help them grow their leads and branch out into a more sustainable and profitable organization. Of course, business owners can still promote their products and services via traditional media suchlike print, TV and radio, but with the availability of modern technology and the internet, business owners are now transitioning from traditional to a more convenient and modern way of endorsing their brand – the digital media. 

At The Final Pitch Season 8: Tech Edition, Mr. Kaiser Estrada, President and Managing Director of Streamlined Campaigns, discussed the importance of digital media for business growth. 

Prior to the pandemic, businesses have a lot of foot traffic in their store, but the pandemic changed the landscape of how almost every business does their transaction, “come pandemic, they [business owners] already appreciated the power of digital media, and how you can connect to your customers, through digital media”, Estrada said. 

Digital media is about “making a strategic effort to create relationships beyond the initial transaction,” Estrada explained. “Nowadays, consumers are wanting a connection to a brand, and not just on a transactional level, and you build that by creating an awesome customer experience”, Mr. Estrada added.

Digital media is leveraging your communications effort, via relevant content, to your target consumers from the first touch point of engaging your consumers to actually getting them as your clients will be an entire experience for them to get to know your brand, your products and services. 

But how can you really pursue your digital media transition?

“First, we need to understand the landscape that we’re trying to work with and understand the platform that you’re working with and what would serve best for your brand”, Kaiser Estrada explained. 

“The second branch to consider is the ecommerce channels, so if mostly you’re doing products with your business, you might want to consider ecommerce sites”, Mr. Estrada further explained.

“The next step is to formulate your digital media strategies that will depend on which platforms you’re using… And lastly, creation of content for your brand”, Estrada added.

“All of these could look like a bunch of things, it looks like a lot but don’t worry, when you get used to it and if you’re clear about your goal and where you want bring your business to, in terms of how you want to market it, it will spell itself out to you,” Mr. Estrada concluded.

If you want to watch more about this episode of The Final Pitch you can go to their website, and know more about how the show helps future entrepreneurs.Going digital does not have to be complicated at all, especially when you have a clear idea on where you want your business to be. To know more about digital media, Mr. Kaiser Estrada can help you, together with his dedicated team at Streamlined Campaigns, you can get your business into the digital landscape and experience the growth and innovation of going digital.